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Lefroy House night, has crowd fooled

The Lefroy House Night, which was held at the beginning of April, started with joke. The opening had loud crashes from backstage, muffled sounds and the presenters announcing that the show would be cancelled! But of course, it was Saturday April 1st, and therefore ‘April Fool’s’ day. It was a fabulous show filled with so much Cottonian talent of music, dance and drama, a real joy to watch.

There were 2 traditional dances (with boys dancing very gracefully), the choir, the Lefroy House band, an English play with Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, and a comical Hindi play with a moral tale, that had some stunning stunts. Thanks to all the teachers and hard working children for a magical evening enjoyed by the whole school.

Due to so many events happening and the many school trips, it has taken a while for the BCS Photography club to supply the quality photos of our talented Lefroyans for uploading. So please enjoy the night here that was filled with so many Cottonian stars.

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