1st April 2022
Dawn Marathon Race has Cottonians up at early, Bishop Cotton School, Shimla
If you are an early riser you may have spotted hundreds of Cottonians streaming through the streets of Shimla recently on your morning walk. The BCS boys (as young as Class 3) have spent the past six weeks training for their Marathon cross country run together with their sports coaches. The students have been running up and down the steep Shimla roads trying to get fit, after lockdown has kept most of them safely inside, and it has been hard work.
The race is broken down into age group ability; Senior’s boys under 19, boys under 16, boys under 14, Boys under 12, and the Junior school section of the School where the boys under 10 categories.
Today’s winner and quickest boy to race back to the finishing line in school was Hanvender Pal Singh from Class XII (see pic with cup). The Marathon Cup for the Year 2022 is won by Curzon House.
Director, Simon Weale, said: “All the boys have done extremely well and they’ve had to go through some grueling dawn training – but this is what our traditions at BCS are all about. Like many generations of Cottonians before them, it teaches them to succeed in life by hard work, routine and training. The day started early at 3am for some of them but this will help get the whole school fitter and ready for our sports seasons after Covid.”