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November 2023


The value of house points in boarding schools Author: Simon D Weale, BCS Director, Shimla Imagine a school in a distant mountaintop location. A magical place surrounded by a great forest and reached by a scenic railway journey. Excited new pupils with trunks and suitcases. A cauldron of adventures and sporting rivalries. Sumptuous feasts in a great...
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BCS Director Simon Weale writes about the BCS Safari trips across India 2023 In the 1989 radio series ‘Last chance to see’, the late science fiction writer Douglas Adams visited conservation projects designed to save a number of species around the world from potential extinction including the Kakapo – a flightless parrot from New Zealand...
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Good Morning, and welcome to Speech Day 2023. In a few moments, I will introduce our Chief Guest Mr Rohit Thakur, Old Cottonian,Lefroy and the Education Minister for Himachal Pradesh – how amazing.I will then invite the School Captain to say a few wordsOur school mission statement reads:‘Bishop Cotton School strives to achieve and maintain...
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What BCS Shimla taught me, by H.P. Education Minister, Rohit Thakur“Bishop Cotton School, Shimla imbibes a sense of independence and rational thinking. It makes us obedient and duty bound, it teaches us to respect elders, teachers, customs and traditions with humility and honesty.” Mr Rohit Thakur pictured with the School Captain and BCS Director on...
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The BCS campus was so atmospheric last night after the Cottonians and staff in school had decorated the first flat with lamps and beautiful rangoli. There was even a live show as Mr Ashish P Chauhan played the guitar and sung with his son a beautiful Diwali set. The caterers had put on a fabulous...
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Education Minister Mr Rohit Thakur visits old school as guest Lucky Lefroy sweep up the prizes at Speech Day 2023 Bishop Cotton School, Shimla (BCS) celebrated the school’s 164th Annual Speech Day (Wednesday 8 Nov 2023) marking the legendary school’s proud history and celebrating the academic and good character prizes with the school’s community. Impressive Parade The...
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Space Professor Dr Ugur Guven at Bishop Cotton School, Shimla There was no stopping the amount of clever questions streaming from our young Cottonians this morning in the Irwin Hall. It was all thanks to Dr Ugur Guven who sparked their imaginations with his interactive talk on space and the universe. Dr Guven was very...
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