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2021 Cottonians celebrate Class XII Results

Congratulations to Class XII boys for performing very well in their board exams with 100% success rate and an average score of well over 80%. History will quickly forget how much the pandemic disrupted their preparations or that the Class of 2021 had to sit bi-furcated exams that included one-dimensional MCQs and an exam period that only ended in June.

Particular congratulations go to the two top performers, Udit Jain scored 96% to pip Aakash Drona who scored 94.8%. Udit must now consider university offers from across the world whilst Aakash is likely to remain in India. Top performing scientist Deep has a range of options including an offer of a place at Imperial College, London. As usual, this batch of resilient and resourceful Cottonians will be heading their separate ways across the globe with destinations including Canada, the USA, Australia and the UK in addition to several leading universities in India.

Cottonians’ Leavers Dinner – batch of 2021 – together with HM Mr John and Director Mr Weale

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